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Success Stories
Sharing positive outcomes of beneficiaries
USDA Funded Market-Oriented Dairy Project Combines Efforts with IFAD Funded SAPP Project
Successful collaborative partnerships require like-minded partners to leverage subject matter expertise and resources efficiently and effectively to maximize impact. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) ‘Food
for Progress’ funded Market-Oriented Dairy (MOD) Project in Sri Lanka, implemented by IESC, found such a partner
in the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) funded Smallholder Agribusiness Partnership
Program (SAPP). MOD supported SAPP to develop a funding mechanism for the dairy sector to help partner
processing companies develop proposals for their dairy farmers to access finance and introduce mechanization to
agriculture practicesBest-in-class hoof care training for Sri Lankan dairy farms
USDA Food for Progress Funded Market-Oriented Dairy Project offers hoof care training to improve cow comfort
Hoof care is critical to cow health and the improper management of cow hoofs can lead to repeated lameness which impacts milk production. Sri Lanka’s Large Dairy Farm Association (LDFA) members and the Department of Animal
Production and Health (DAPH) requested assistance to gain technical knowledge and learn best practices for hoof
care management. In response, the United States Department of Agriculture Food for Progress funded Market�Oriented Dairy (MOD) project, implemented by Improving Economies for Stronger Communities (IESC), invited Mr.
Pieter Kloosterman, a world-renowned trainer and researcher on hoof trimming and hoof health from the
Netherlands.USDA Food for Progress Market-Oriented Dairy Project in Sri Lanka creates sustainable pathways to empower dairy farmers
Located in the nation’s second largest milk producing region, the dairy producers in the North Western Province of Sri Lanka are central to the country’s efforts to increase milk production. The Market-Oriented Dairy (MOD) project,
funded by the United States Department of Agriculture Food for Progress (FFPr) initiative and implemented by
Improving Economies for Stronger Communities (IESC), has been enhancing the technical knowledge of dairy
farmers through training and mentoring since 2018 resulting in an emergence of dairy entrepreneurs in the region.
Witnessing this change in dairy entrepreneurship, the Provincial Director of the Department of Animal Production
and Health (DAPH), Dr. BCS Perera, and his team, worked with the MOD project to co-develop the “Dairy
Entrepreneur Empowerment through Technology Assistance” program.Going organic: Greening fodder cultivation
USDA funded Market-Oriented Dairy project in Sri Lanka supports organic fodder cultivation
Organic overnight. This is where Sri Lanka’s cultivators found themselves when the country was faced with an economic crisis and a national directive banning inorganic fertilizer to save foreign exchange on imported inorganic fertilizers. The sudden directive applied pressure on dairy farmers growing their own fodder and newly emerging commercial fodder cultivators both being supported by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) funded Market-Oriented Dairy (MOD) Project.
Solar power for year-round production
USDA facilitates Climate-Smart Dairy investment in Sri Lanka through a voucher program
The transition to clean, renewable energy has been slow in Sri Lanka’s dairy sector. Although Sri Lanka is a tropical island nation with ample sunlight throughout the year, the initial investment required has hampered efforts to harness solar power, especially among small- and medium-scale dairy farms. To improve energy cost efficiency and increase overall farm productivity, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) funded Market-Oriented Dairy (MOD) Project introduced a voucher initiative to assist progressive farmers and promote such investments.
Productive, cost-effective dairy farm model for Sri Lanka
Dairy farmer in Sri Lanka shows the way to quadruple milk production cost effectively by leveraging existing resources
Mr. Sugath Kumara Bandaranayake is a smallholder dairy farmer in the Northwestern Province of Sri Lanka. Although based in the second highest milk producing region of the country, Mr. Sugath’s dairy management style was rudimentary, and his milk yields were low. Every day he would allow his animals to roam free to feed on roadside grasses and bring in only the milking cows at night to sleep under a basic temporary shelter, where the animals would rarely receive sufficient drinking water. As the nutritional value of roadside grass is very poor, Mr. Sugath provided a ration of concentrate feed that exceeded the daily recommended value, increasing his feed cost without sufficiently boosting his milk yield. His efforts resulted in only 25 to 30 liters of milk per day, at best.
Youth farmer breaks with tradition to double milk production
USDA funded Market-Oriented Dairy empowers Sri Lankan farmers with practical knowledge
Sri Lanka’s ‘hill country’, the mountainous region in the center of the island, offers the best climatic conditions for dairy farming. But the advantages end there. Small- and medium-scale dairy farmers in the region have access to very little land and the hilly terrain limits space for proper cattle sheds and fodder cultivation.
Many small- to medium-scale dairy farmers in the area live on tea plantations and raise their cattle in community sheds. Mr. Subramaniam Prasath from Ramboda in the Central Province was one such farmer producing a very modest 22 liters per day on average. Mr. Prasath raised his dairy cows in a confined common housing shed shared with ten of his fellow dairy farmers. These farmers were unaware that these conditions were far from ideal for raising productive dairy cows.
Collaboration creates shared value for the dairy sector
Sharing expertise and resources fast tracks dairy productivity in Sri Lanka
Sustainable growth is a central focus of developing nations and collaboration amongst stakeholders is key to achieving sustainable solutions. However, in an intensely competitive environment, managing differing expectations and maximizing the full potential of collaboration has been a significant challenge for Sri Lanka’s dairy industry.
For the past four years, the Market-Oriented Dairy (MOD) project, funded by the ‘Food for Progress’ initiative of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), has been developing the capacity of stakeholders across the dairy value chain in the public and private sectors. MOD has a unique vantage point, which allows the project to serve as the connective tissue of the dairy industry, bringing together farmers, fodder cultivators, input retailers, and extension staff of public and private sector partners to discuss the challenges facing stakeholders at every level. This is how MOD helps build the necessary capacities to create sustainable solutions for the sector
Rearing healthy, productive milking cows
Overcoming socio-cultural myths helps raise healthier calves in Sri Lanka
Healthy calves become productive cows. Early separation of the cow and calf has proven to improve the health, weight gain and reproductive efficiency of the future milking cow and minimize distress for both the mother and the newborn calf. But, for Sri Lankan dairy farmers, small- to medium-scale farmers in particular, ingrained socio-cultural beliefs stand in the way of proper calf management. For instance, the veneration of dairy cows leads to a reluctance to separate the calf from the mother hampering the shift from subsistence farming to farming as a business. Traditional practices typically lead to high calf mortality rates, unhealthy or weak calves, and poor body condition of calves leads to delays in reaching critical reproductive stages.
Partnership adds value to hundreds of dairy farmers
Sri Lanka's largest independent dairy collector leverages support for their suppliers through a partnership with the USDA MOD project
Wonrich Dairies, the country’s largest intermediary collector and supplier of fresh milk to dairy processing companies, joined forces with the United States Department of Agriculture-funded Market-Oriented Dairy (MOD) Project in Sri Lanka to build the capacity of their farmer network in August 2018. To date, MOD has trained 846 dairy farmers supplying to Wonrich on best practices in dairy management with nearly half of them also receiving training on business basics and business planning. MOD also provided training on quality and safety protocols and proper management practices to 50 managers and staff of Wonrich’s chilling center. In addition, MOD helped Wonrich identify 628 high potential dairy farmers, conducted a gap analysis of farmer needs, and guided the farmers to develop action plans to reach their target.
Manure: from waste to value
investing in environmental sustainability is good business for Sri Lankan dairy Farm
As a teenager, Mr. Angamuthu from Hatton, Sri Lanka moved to the capital city, Colombo, in search of work. As a wholesaler of eggs, he was able to earn and save enough money to realize a lifelong dream of establishing a medium-scale dairy farm in his hometown. In 2003, he started a farm in Hatton with 20 cows, and by 2009, after investing in modern facilities, he incorporated Rothes Dairy Farm. Today he has about 250 cows and heifers, but the expansion of his dairy farm has also put his business at risk.
Process improvements increase milk quality and safety
Improving milk handling process from farmer to milk chilling center brings returns to medium-scale dairy processor in Sri Lanka
Based in Ratnapura in the south-central region of Sri Lanka, Chello’s collection of raw milk from over 190 miles away and from over 2,000 small-scale dairy farmers posed hygiene challenges for the business. They needed to keep improving on how the milk was collected, transported, and handled at the intermediate chilling centers before being transported to the processing facility via the chilled bulk tankers. Adopting hygienic best practices in the value chain has helped Chello Dairies reduce excessive processing costs and ensure quality standards are met.
Mechanizing an emerging industry
Entrepreneur builds innovative solutions for small-scale commercial silage start-ups in sri lanka
Mr. M. G. M. Thusitha Kumara has a vocational diploma in Engineering Sciences from the Institute of Engineering Technology in Katunayake, Sri Lanka. After working in the private sector, he decided to set up his own engineering workshop. Putting his electrical and mechanical knowledge and experience to use, he started developing machinery to make grow bags for horticulture nurseries out of coir, a natural fiber extracted from the outer husk of coconut. Grow bags are the most desirable medium for horticulture nursery plants to grow in a soil-free environment.
Father and Son Duo Breaking Boundaries in Fodder Cultivation
A retired veteran and son in sri lanka convert idle land for productive and profitable use with c03 Fodder grass cultivation
Wishing to continue his contribution to society, veteran Mr. N. W. Witharana had dreams of setting up a mixed livestock and crop farm in his retirement. His son, Mr. Madhubashana had successfully completed his Advanced Level studies (equivalent to high school in the US) and dreamed of owning his own business. The father and son duo decided to combine efforts and leased five acres of idle land from a neighbor with the goal to set up a mixed livestock and crop farm in Kurunegala, their hometown.
Super Napier produces super results for dairy farmers
The 'King of Napiers' increased nutrition intake of dairy cows
Mr. Ranjith is a goat farmer in Jaffna, a district located in the northern region of Sri Lanka. He wished to access a better-quality grass to feed his animals. The Provincial Director of the Department of Animal Health and Production, Dr. Kajaranjan, introduced Mr. Ranjith to the United States Department of Agriculture funded Market-Oriented Dairy (MOD) project’s technical team in the region, who are involved in capacity building of dairy entrepreneurs. Dr. Akilan Thuraisingam, MOD’s Regional Technical Specialist, was in the process of facilitating the distribution of 43,000 Super Napier cuttings to 22 MOD trained dairy farmers in the North from a MOD trained cultivator in another district and proposed this new and improved hybrid variety to Mr. Ranjith.
Content cows give more milk
Dairy farmer from Sri Lanka says cow comfort pays off
Mr. W. S. N. K. Mendis is a dairy farmer living in a village named Konwewa located in Kurunegala, one of Sri Lanka’s main milk producing districts. He raised his animals the traditional way by allowing them to roam free and graze on neighboring land. He would leave buckets of water outside for the animals to drink. At night, he would shelter about 15 adult animals under a small shed, measuring 40 feet long and 12 feet wide. At the best of times, his herd was able to produce about 35 liters of milk per day.
Reaching over 12,000 dairy farmers to date, this unique mobile-based advisory service enhances dairy extension in Sri Lanka
The SAVIYA mobile extension service was conceived and launched before the world had any inkling of a global pandemic. SAVIYA was developed as a way for dairy farmers to have easy access to information specific to their herd by offering step-by-step technical guidance via a mobile phone. During COVID-19, it has also unexpectedly served as a critical advisory tool.
Perception is Everything!
USDA funded market-oriented dairy project in Sri Lanka creates impact through transformative capacity building
“We are fed up with trainings. Most are useless and have made no difference in our dairy business. I do not want to waste my valuable time. Please do not invite me for any trainings, Sir,” are the words uttered by Ms. Ranmenike, from Telulla in the Uva province of Sri Lanka, when the field staff from the Market-Oriented Dairy (MOD) Project met her for the first time. Outspoken and not shy about expressing her strong opinions, Ms. Ranmenike values her time above all else. Understanding that this is just the type of dairy farmer that would benefit from MOD’s Dairy Entrepreneur Development Program, Mr. Dhanushka Jeewantha, MOD’s Regional Field Officer, and the Extension Officer of the partner dairy processing company convinced her to attend the MOD training and she agreed under the terms that she would leave by 12:30 pm at the latest.
Sold on Silage!
Young dairy entrepreneur in the central hills of Sri Lanka finds value in silage
Mr. Richard Kingsley from Lindula in the central hills of Sri Lanka purchased ten imported cows and started a dairy business in 2016. Without a satisfying return from dairying, he sold a few of his animals, found a caretaker for the remaining animals, and started driving a cab to earn a living. When Sri Lanka was hit with the first wave of COVID-19, he decided to return to dairying to fulfill his ambition to be self-employed and an entrepreneur once again. Continuing his earlier practices, he assumed that feeding roadside grass to his animals was enough and was puzzled when he was not getting the milk yield he was expecting. This time around, to his luck, he was invited to attend the Dairy Entrepreneur Development Program offered by the Market-Oriented Dairy (MOD) Project, a program funded by the ‘Food for Progress’ initiative of the United States Department of Agriculture. There he learned the true value of animal nutrition in increasing milk production and that a consistent, year-round feed supply is an absolute necessity to sustain a lengthy milking period.
From 'Weeds' to Riches!
In search of an extra income, two young men find there is wealth in the ‘weeds’
The two friends, Mr. Ravindra Jayathilake and Mr. Ruwan Ambanwala, are typical young men, hardworking yet finding it difficult to make ends meet. Entrepreneurial by nature, they were in search of ways to make additional income when they heard that a large dairy farm in the area was short of green fodder to feed their animals. Although they had no knowledge of fodder cultivation but had what appeared to be a guaranteed market, they decided to grow CO3, a hybrid variety of Napier grass, in a half-acre plot on a trial basis. After about three harvests, they realized they were not making any money and their lack of knowledge on fodder cultivation was hindering their progress. Their fellow villagers would often pass by and make fun of them for trying to grow ‘weeds’ to make money. The common perception in the area is that any fodder grown to feed cattle are ‘weeds’ and thus a waste of time and not a worthy endeavor.
Field of Dreams
Sri Lankan entrepreneur seizes market opportunity to supply fodder in response to the nation’s emerging silage Industry
Mr. Arasan Vajitharan from Nedunkeny, in the northern region of Sri Lanka, first heard of the opportunity to expand his income through the Commercial Fodder Cultivation training offered through the Market-Oriented Dairy (MOD) Project in Sri Lanka. The MOD Project’s primary focus is to develop ‘dairy as a business’ and to enhance the capacities of the country’s dairy sector. The project is funded by the United States Department of Agriculture ‘Food for Progress’ program.
Young farmers of Sri Lanka's dairy sector show the industry potential
Sharing experiences and knowledge, youth farmers show that adopting best practices is the key to doubling milk production
Mr. Mahesh Adhikari is a young dairy farmer from Kurunegala, one of the major dairy-producing regions of Sri Lanka. Mr. Adhikari was producing about 25 to 30 liters of milk per day with his herd of 10 dairy cows. The average Sri Lankan dairy farmer would consider this level of production more than satisfactory and would be quite content to maintain this status quo.
With expertise and passion, dairy farmer from Wisconsin improves dairying in the South Asian island nation of Sri Lanka
Gary Ruegsegger has dairy in his blood. Born into a dairy farming family in Wisconsin, he was expected to take over the management of the farm someday. Towards this objective, Gary obtained a bachelor’s degree in Animal Sciences, a master’s degree in Business Management, and a master’s and a doctoral degree in Dairy Cattle Nutrition. But when Gary participated in the Peace Corps volunteer program, his plans were almost derailed.
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Youth farmer uses facts and knowledge to overcome myths and superstition to succeed in dairy farming
Mr. Ramu Dhivakaran is a young farmer raising dairy cows in Hatton, located in the central hills of Sri Lanka. At 4,170 feet above sea level, Hatton is famous for growing the world-renowned Ceylon tea. The cooler climate at this elevation is also ideal for dairy cows and is considered the best weather for animal comfort, contributing to the highest milk yields per cow in Sri Lanka. However, the hilly terrain is not conducive for dairy farming in general as there is limited flat land that has sufficient space for proper cattle sheds and fodder cultivation.
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Dairy farmer in Sri Lanka acquires the tools needed to progress from subsistence farming to managing his dairy farm as a business
Mr. Mahinda Piyatissa, a dairy farmer from Medirigiriya, was struggling to manage his dairy farm and was on the verge of giving up. Since 2000, he had attended many trainings, but the differing practices shared during those trainings often left him more confused. When he was invited for yet another training, he was reluctant to attend, assuming it would be a waste of his time and the additional options would confuse him further. However, Mr. Piyatissa’s wife encouraged him to attend the program and then to select and adopt the best approach.
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A Women dairy entrepreneur group in Sri Lanka proves that the secret to women’s empowerment is women working together
When women thrive, communities thrive. A group of women dairy farmers in Muttiyankattu, in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka, is doing just that – creating a culture of women supporting women and using their combined voice to enhance their lives and uplift their community. These women were resettled in Muttiyankattu in 2011 following the end of the country’s three-decade long conflict. The Sri Lankan government provided them with land and access to water from a nearby tank for paddy and groundnut cultivation. The Government also supplied them each with a milking cow to provide an additional source of income.
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Market research plays critical role as first time entrepreneur avoids putting the cart before the horse
A trained engineer by profession, Mr. Nalaka Bandara wanted to set up a dairy farm, but knew he did not have the industry background he needed to do so. He began his efforts to increase his dairy knowledge by connecting with the Market-Oriented Dairy (MOD) Project team, a USDA-funded project focusing on building the capacity of the dairy value chain in Sri Lanka. During their discussions with Mr. Bandara, the MOD team highlighted a fundamental mistake that local dairy farmers often make: failing to understand the need for availability of high-quality fodder throughout the year. MOD’s Business and Value Chain Director, Mr. Asoka Kuruppu, also highlighted the economic opportunities that exist in the dairy sector for the commercial sale of fodder and silage, inputs that are needed to meet the feed requirements of Sri Lanka’s dairy farmers.
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Ridiculed by neighbors for laboriously watering his CO3 samplings using a clay pot from a nearly dried up water source on his property, Mr. Sunil Karunatilake is now laughing all the way to the bank
When Mr. Sunil Karunatilake from Ambagaswewa, Sri Lanka learned of the importance of nutrition to improve milk yield, he decided to convert one acre of his land into fodder cultivation. Unfortunately, the country soon faced near drought conditions and the small water stream on his property was reduced to a trickle. Determined to save his crop, he used a small clay pot to carry meagre amounts of water from the stream to water his fodder fields section by section. His efforts paid off and he saved his fodder crop.
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Sri Lanka's Dairy Industry highlights achievements at its inaugural Annual General Meeting
Two and half years ago, when the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)-funded Market-Oriented Dairy (MOD) Project carried out a needs assessment study of the dairy sector in Sri Lanka, the sector did not have an organized representative body. A year later, a group of leading industrialists came together to form the All Island Dairy Association (AIDA) under the aegis of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce. AIDA was formed to function as a united industry body capable of tackling the industry’s most challenging problems and to work with dairy industry stakeholders to drive positive change in the industry and to deliver meaningful outcomes for the nation.
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Technology upgrade helps small-scale commercial fodder cultivator supply large-scale dairy farm
Mr. Shanmugavel Kajan is a man on a mission. He restarted his business of fodder cultivation and making and selling good quality silage to dairy farmers with the technical assistance of the USDA-funded Market-Oriented Dairy (MOD) Project in Sri Lanka. Within months of receiving MOD technical assistance and encouraged by the market response to his product, he was on the lookout for mechanizing his silage production process where possible to save time and money. During his search for the right technology upgrade, MOD Directors Dr. Sivayoganathan and Mr. Asoka Kuruppu introduced him to an inventor who had developed a unique silage packing machine at the MOD Enterprise Day held in July 2019.
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Identifying opportunities and sharing best practices expands business for dairy entrepreneur
Mr. P. P. A. Shantha is a dairy farmer in Bakamuna in the North Central Province of Sri Lanka. In his spare time, he earns additional income as a milk collector and transporter for one of Sri Lanka’s leading milk processors. During his milk collection route, Mr. Shantha helps the processing company distribute cattle feed to their farmers. When requested, he also supplies farmers with basic inputs such as mineral mixtures and worm treatment tablets for a small fee.
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Market-Oriented Dairy Investment Fund is made possible through the funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) 'Food for Progress' initiative
This one-of-a-kind investment fund offering debt and equity lending for the dairy value chain in Sri Lanka has already garnered significant interest from the sector, receiving more than fifty applications with a number of applicants shortlisted for further review and assessment by SEAF, a global investment management group and a sub-partner on the Market-Oriented Dairy (MOD) Project.
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Sri Lankan dairy farmer shares best practices with over 800 fellow farmers
In 2018, Mr. Arunashantha was invited to attend the Market-Oriented Dairy (MOD) Dairy Entrepreneur Development Program. There he gained new knowledge such as Total Mixed Ration feeding, making silage using local materials such as road-side grass, and new feeding methods such as separation of concentrates from water.
Due to their dedication and success in implementing the lessons learned through MOD’s training program, their farm was selected to host the MOD Dairy Enterprise Day so that these best practices and new techniques could be demonstrated to other farmers and industry stakeholders.
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Progressive Sri Lankan dairy farmer provides critical services to the dairy community
V. Sivanesan from Killinochchi, Sri Lanka started dairy farming ten years ago. Needing to earn an extra income to support his growing family, Sivanesan offered his services to the country’s largest dairy processor, MILCO, as a milk collector for his village and thus began his entrepreneurial journey. The regular interactions with other dairy farmers in the area exposed him to the gaps in the value chain. While he was growing his business by meeting the many demands of other dairy farmers, Sivanesan felt that his approach to managing the business may not be ideal. When MILCO representative invited him to attend the Market-Oriented Dairy (MOD) Project’s ‘Entrepreneurship Development for Dairy Input Retailers’ training program conducted by Sarvodaya, the country’s largest non-governmental development entity and partner to the MOD Project, he knew that this would help him organize his business better.
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Better management and higher income means a balanced life for dairy farmer in sri lanka
“For the first time in my life, I was able to host my family and relatives for a nice feast to celebrate ‘Avurudhu’” declared Kumuduni Dissanayake, a dairy farmer in Nikewaratiya, in the North Western Province of Sri Lanka following the country’s new year celebrations. Reaping the benefits of increased income through higher milk yields of her small dairy herd, she added “not only did I have the money to entertain them all but I had the whole day to prepare the food and spend quality time with them”. Earlier this year, Kumuduni participated in the Market-Oriented Dairy (MOD) project’s ‘Dairy Entrepreneur Development Program’ and learned of the critical role nutrition plays in increasing milk production. With the support of the MOD field team in the region, Kumuduni successfully converted 1.5 acres of land to grow fodder and is currently working with MOD’s regional Technical Specialist, Kapila Wickramasinghe, to develop her farm to serve as a model farm for mid-size farmers.
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Dairy farmer turned commercial fodder cultivator increases income for himself and his buyers
Shanmugavel Kajan, a 29-year old dairy farmer in Thirubaiaru, Killinochchi in the northern region of Sri Lanka, with the support and encouragement of the MOD field team, led by the Regional Coordinator for the project, Thiyagarajah Benziger, cultivated five acres of land with Sorghum. Sorghum has a high-feed-value, lower production cost, lower water requirement, and a high heat and drought tolerance. With a short growing season, multiple cuttings from a single plant is possible. Additionally, it can be used in dual cropping systems, allowing Kajan to grow banana trees alongside the Sorghum cultivation for added income. “MOD’s training is very hands-on and practical. I learned business planning, quality packing, paddocking so that I can cut the crop in a rotational basis. I also gained the confidence to invest in an irrigation system. Most importantly, I was connected to my customers at the training sessions where I can market my product”.
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Successes gained through initial interventions motivate dairy farmer to model farm on MOD’s best practices
Mrs. Jayasekera, the owner of a 29-animal dairy farm in Maaspotha, Kurunegala, welcomed the Market-Oriented Dairy (MOD) Project to hold its pilot training session at her farm. A gracious hostess who permitted her farm to be used as a demonstration unit to train fellow dairy farmers, Mrs. Jayasekera is also an attentive and keen learner. Along with the other dairy farmers, she participated in the entire session by taking notes, asking questions, and actively engaging in the practical exercises. Today, a month later, she reports that the milk yield from her 13 milking cows has increased by 25 liters per day in total (a gain of two liters per cow) and the solids-not-fat (SNF) count has increased from 8.2 to 9% and fat content from 4.3 to 4.9%.
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Shedding dated practices and embracing the new helps sri lankan dairy farmer make rapid gains
Thusinthra, a farmer from Vanivelankulam in the northern region of Sri Lanka, started dairy farming only two years ago when he purchased two cows with the financial support of a relative. Today he has nine cows in total with four milking cows yielding a total of 18-20 liters of milk per day. Having faced many difficulties in making a livelihood in the past, Thusinthra’s goal was to develop a model farm to generate a sustainable income for himself and provide employment opportunities for others. He also has a vision to increase milk production to 500 liters a day and establish a small milk processing operation to serve the local area. Intent on increasing the total milk yield to 100 liters per day by the end of the year, Thusinthra is applying the best practices in cow and calf management as taught by MOD. Thusinthra started seeing immediate improvements as a result of these changes with increases in milk volumes by 2–3 liters per cow. “I am thrilled with the kind of results I am getting in such a short time. After implementing what the MOD team has taught me, I get 9-10 more liters of milk a day”.
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Market-oriented dairy (MOD) project creates a paradigm shift, teaching dairy farmers to unlearn and relearn
Mr. Rohitha Edirisinghe, a dairy farmer from Naththandiya who supplies a chilling center in Kurunegala district, received his first cow as a gift from his mother-in-law eighteen years ago. When he was introduced to MOD’s Productivity Director Dr. Sivayoganathan and Regional Technical Specialist Mr. Kapila Wickramasinghe, he had a 50-animal herd with eight milking cows producing 65 to 70 liters of milk per day. Mr. Edirisinghe confessed that his strategy to increase milk production thus far has been to increase the size of the herd. During the first visit, Dr. Sivayoganathan advised on the key actions required to increase productivity by working towards an ideal herd composition and by providing adequate feed for the animals based on their body condition. A month later, Mr Edirisinghe reported that he now gets the same quantity of milk (65-70 liters) from only five milking cows, an improvement in milk yield by over five liters per cow, resulting in a 60 percent increase in productivity.
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Market-oriented dairy project’s dairy farmers ‘learn, apply and grow’ by getting the basics right
“Fix the basics!” is the Market-Oriented Dairy (MOD) team’s mantra to get more milk from less cows. With training and capacity building as a core intervention, the team’s dedication to treat every interaction with the farmers as a teaching opportunity yields significant results to the participating dairy farmers. During farmer training orientations, Dr. Jagath Kukule Kankanamge, MOD’s Milk Productivity Specialist, shared his knowledge on how to assess the herd according to the body condition and the importance of a balanced diet based on the lactation cycle of the individual cows. Within one week of following Dr Kankanamge's recommendations on feed rations, Mr Jayasuriya from Hanthane saw increases of 1.5 Liters per cow per day and Mr Weerakoon from Galaha saw over 2-3 Liter increase per cow per day.
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Addressing a critical gap in the nutritional needs of dairy cows, MOD promotes commercial fodder cultivation to support dairy farmers
A hungry cow is not a happy cow. Animal nutrition is key to increasing milk yield and a good quality fibrous diet is essential for optimum milk production. With the overall objective of doubling milk production of participating dairy farmers, the Market-Oriented Dairy (MOD) Project is working on multiple approaches to improve the year-round availability of grasses by developing commercial-level fodder cultivators and buyers. In MOD facilitated the first of such buyer-seller agreements between Lanka Forages Pvt Ltd (the buyer) and three fodder cultivators (the sellers) in the northern region of Sri Lanka, considered a first for the region. The main purpose of such linkages is to ensure year-around availability of good quality fodder and silage at a competitive price, which is essential for dairy farmers to maintain a healthy, high-yield dairy herd and year-round milk production.
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60% increase in milk production by following simple instructions on nutrition and cow comfort
Anura Weeresekera, MOD’s Regional Project Coordinator for the Central Region of Sri Lanka, first met dairy farmer Janaka Herath and his wife Padma while carrying out the Needs Assessment Survey of shortlisted farmers. During the initial interaction, Anura Weeresekera shared basic guidelines on improving milk production through better nutrition and the need to provide water throughout the day (24/7). Heeding this advice, the Heraths, improved the diet of the milking herd, kept the animals cool by bathing them more frequently and milked twice a day resulting in an increase by 10-12 liters per day, a 60% increase in milk production by adopting easy to implement best practices. They are presently getting an additional income of Rs 25,000 – 30,000 per month.
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Intense 3-day sessions create a collaborative network of trainers from public and private sectors
With over 5400 dairy farmers in Sri Lanka to be trained during the life time of the project, Market-Oriented Dairy (MOD) project conducted Training of Trainer (ToT) programs with Master Trainers from University of Florida (UF) empowering sixty local trainers with enhanced technical knowledge and practical application of new technologies.
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Customization of seeder allows farmers in Sri Lanka to sow Sorghum seeds easier and faster
Applying a recommendation made by the Market-Oriented Dairy (MOD) project’s Business & Value Chain Director, Wheel Masters Agro modified an existing product called ‘Ata Batta’, which was originally designed for food crops, to facilitate seeding of fodder crops. The innovation allows farmers to sow sorghum seeds using the same seeder, which reduces labor and saves time and money.
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